
On my way home from a part-time job, I happened to come across a work to transplant a big pine tree. A 100 year old pine tree on the pavement in front of Oita City’s Joshi Park has long been a problem for pedestrians because its branches are bent so far that pedestrians hit their heads. It was commonly known and loved as the “leaning pine”.

A large crane was used to transplant the pine tree from the footpath into the park. The crane was about three times the size of a normal crane, but its movements were much more detailed than its size would suggest.

It seems that for four years the work had been meticulously prepared, including the removal of the stone walls of the footpaths and the removal of the roots of the pine trees. A wooden frame had been prepared in the back of the trailer to match the shape of the pines.
The three hours flew by as we watched in the rain, impressed by the calculated arrangement and the flexible movement of the people.