

The movie of Mongolian nomadic goat milking.

This is a video recording of Mongolian nomads milking their goats. Sheep shearing is also included in this video. Their goat milking is done efficiently by collecting goats from the pasture, placing them inside a fence, and then tying and lining up the goat’s neck between ropes that have been pre-installed inside the fence. In Mongolia, the summer holidays last for three months from June to September. During this time, nomadic children help with livestock. They ride horses to the pastures to collect goats, improve their riding skills and Catching goats to line them up on ropes to improve their spontaneity and Watching and imitating a milker in action, learning by feel how much force to apply to the hands, and It occurred to me that this also played a role in the children’s physical development. There is also a natural flow of the older children teaching and passing on to the younger ones.