

Kimono with Japanese Kuzu vine design

My coworker gave me a Kimono with Japanese Kuzu vine design. The flower of Kuzu vine blossom on September. But this Kimono was made for from October to April. Japanese Kimono has rules for wearing in each season. I sometimes take care about the Kimono wearing seasons, when we wear these Kimonos.

Japanese people who are familiar with kimonos believe that kimonos with designs of seasonal flowers and events are fashionable to wear before the season.

If you were to wear a kimono with this kudzu design, it would be better to wear it in July or August, before the kudzu flowers bloom, so that you can anticipate the season and look stylish.
However, the tailoring of this kimono is lined so that it can be worn from October to April, when the temperature drops. The specifications are too hot to wear in summer. When should I wear this Kimono? Why did the Kimono owner make this design? (I heard the coworker that the owner was from Japanese bushi family.)

It might be made to wish for becoming strong bushi family like Kuzu vine. it’s my own opinion, not sure… Many Japanese people don’t know about Kimono rules, I’ll wear it on April.